QUASAR™ MRI4D motion phantom.


The programmable QUASAR™ MRI4D Motion Phantom is designed to move liquid or gel-filled cylindrical inserts within a water-filled body shaped oval at varying speeds and amplitudes.

The phantom is capable of moving inserts in the superior/inferior direction as well as producing a more complex 3D motion profile by twisting the insert during translation.  Interchangeable inserts are available for imaging, planning, targeting and delivery QA.

The QUASAR™ MRI4D Motion Phantom uses the same software application as the QUASAR™ Respiratory Motion Phantom to display, edit, and run patient-specific respiratory waveforms. Waveforms are created using the application or imported from vendor-specific MR respiratory tracking systems or from tab-delimited spreadsheet files.

The software application is compatible with Windows 7 or higher and runs on desktop or laptop computers. Create, import, edit, and save respiratory waveforms with the QUASAR™ Respiratory Motion Software application. Edit functions include adjusting the amplitude, stretching or compressing the timeline and filtering out high-frequency noise, low-frequency drift and cardiac signals.

Benefits of the MRI4D

  • MRI, CT, PET and LINAC compatible for MR4D vs CT4D, MR-PET and MRgRT 4D QA
  • Control the phantom directly from the console or equipment room with the included software
  • Import, create, edit and stream patient-specific or custom waveforms
  • Flexibility to move inserts with translation or with translation and rotation
  • Configurable inserts with optional targets to increase developing and testing capabilities
An image of the MRI4D brochure