Encephalon 3D phantom

Limitless SRS QA


Encephalon 3D is a single-use head phantom constructed from bone-equivalent material. The brain is filled with a 3D polymer gel dosimeter, as a tissue equivalent material, giving the end-user the ability to gain a real-3D map of the delivered dose.

Encephalon 3D is the absolute solution for the validation of the overall hardware and software performance. Explore the limits of your SRS treatment procedures in an End-to-End manner through 3D dosimetry in a unique patient-derived phantom.

Encephalon 3D head phantom enables high spatial resolution real-3D dosimetry, in patient-derived anatomy. The 3D evaluation of the spatial accuracy reveals any minor uncertainties even in the most demanding plans, such as peripheral multiple metastases cases, making the Encephalon 3D an excellent margin-strategy decision tool.

Encephalon 3D is treated as if it is the real patient, checking the whole SRS process, from imaging and planning to positioning, IGRT and treatment delivery. Commissioning and periodic QA of the SRS platform is achieved through an in-depth multi-level validation.

A unique solution for boosting the SRS program at your clinic by adopting cutting-edge technology. Full exploitation of the system capabilities through data-driven decisions.

Key Features

3D Dosimetry

  • 3D spatial accuracy evaluation
  • Margin strategy decision tool
  • Patient-derived anatomy

End-to-End QA

  • Evaluation of the whole treatment chain
  • Treated as it is the real patient
  • Multi-level comparison with TPS calculations

SRS Confidence

  • Boosting the SRS program
  • Full exploitation of the system capabilities
  • Adaptation of cutting-edge technology

How it Works

Intended for

  • Advanced End-to-End QA
  • End-to-End QA in Proton therapy
  • Commissioning of SRS equipment and software
  • Evaluation of multiple metastases SRS applications
  • 3D dose measurements
  • Off-axis accuracy evaluation of single isocenter SRS